The concept of «academic writing» for the modern University


  • В. Н. Базылев Московский государственный педагогический университет
        56 22


academic writing, genre, competency, learning material, teaching process.


The article discusses a new methodical approach to academic writing. The objectives of education and ways of presenting learning material are described. A complete system of situational and genre organization of learning material is given. The invariant tasks are proposed for the formation of the basic competencies for academic writing. As an example of the genre «chronicle of scientific life» is taken.


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2.2. Базылев В.Н. Академическое
«письмо» (методический аспект).– М.: Изд-во СГУ, 2015. – 260 с.
3.3. Ипполитова Н.А. Текст в системе обучения.
– М.: Флинта, Наука, 1998. – 176 с.
4.4. Огурцов А.П., Платонов В.В. Образы образования. Западная философия образования. ХХ век. – СПб.: РХГИ, 2004.– 520 с.
5.5. Hyland K. Academic Discourse. – London: Continuum, 2009. – 215 c.

1.1. Bazylev V.N. Akademicheskoe «pismo» (teoreticheskij aspekt). – M.: Izd-vo SGU, 2014. – 160 s.
2.2. Bazylev V.N. Akademicheskoe «pismo» (metodicheskij aspekt). – M.: Izd-vo SGU, 2015. – 260 s.
3.3. Ippolitova N.A. Tekst v sisteme obucheniya. – M.: Flinta, Nauka, 1998. – 176 s.
4.4. Ogurcov A.P., Platonov V.V. Obrazy obrazovaniya. Zapadnaya filosofiya obrazovaniya. XX vek. – SPb.: RXGI, 2004. –
520 s.
5.5. Hyland K. Academic Discourse. – London: Continuum, 2009. – 215 c.


How to Cite

Базылев, В. Н. (2016). The concept of «academic writing» for the modern University. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 156(4). Retrieved from