National idea is basic of eternal country


  • K. A. Aisultanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        21 0

Ключевые слова:

national idea, the national ideology, historical process, society, state, independence.


This article is told about the factors of influencing on the formation of the national idea and national identity. Paying attention to the idea and purpose of «Eternal county, historical dates and examples are given. The structure of the idea «The eternal country» by ancient Turks is discussed and the history of the legend prevalent among the Kazakh people, the image of the mythical historical figures are analyzed. Al-Farabi’s philosophical work «Honest city», Zhysip Balasagun’s poem «Happy Knowledge» are told, the opinions of scholars researching the nation’s history and literature, culture are given.

Библиографические ссылки

1 Бaс редaктор: Ерлaн Сыдықов. «MANGI EL» хaлықaрaлық ғылыми-көпшілік тaрихи журнaлы. — Aлмaты: Pride Print. — 108 б.
2 Күлтегін Тоныкөк: Ежелгі түркі рун жaзбaлaры (Әдеби нұсқaсын жaсaғaн Қaдыр Мырзa Әли..) — Aлмaты: Өлке, 2001. — 144 б.
3 Гумилев Л.H. От Руси к России. — М: ООО «Издaтельство AСТ», 2002. — 392 с.
4 Нaзaрбaев Н.Ә. Тaрих толқынындa. — Aлмaты: Жібек жолы, 2010. — 232 б.

1 Editor in Chief: Yerlan Sydykov. «MANGI EL» international scientific historical magazine, Almaty, «Pride Print» Publish¬ing House. – 108 p.
2 Kultegin Tonykok: records of ancient Turkic runes (literary version of the Kadir Mirza Ali) – Almaty, «Region» Publishing House, 2001. – 144 p.
3 L.N. Gumilyev From Russ to Russia. M: OOO «Izdatelstvo AST», 2002. – 392 p.
4 N. A. Nazarbayev On the wave of the history. Almaty, the «Silk Way», the Publishing House, 2010. – 232 p.


Как цитировать

Aisultanova, K. A. (2018). National idea is basic of eternal country. Вестник КазНУ. Серия филологическая, 162(4). извлечено от