Interpretation of a concept «time» (on examples of the epic «Way of Abay»)


  • A. Kussaiynova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        37 0

Ключевые слова:

«Abay’s way» epic, significance of concept «time», language, culture, cultural attitudes to time, monochronic, polychromic.


This study aimed at investigating how people conceptualize time as an essential capacity of human. The research reported in this paper helped to illuminate some less acknowledged aspects of language reflected in concept «time». The article shows that «concept time» reflect the communal sense of people in a society, though they may be different cross-culturally, in a way that the language users believe in the ideology the concept represents. The investigation of linguistic patterns hidden in time-related notions of the two different languages in this study, namely Kazakh and English languages, shed light onto the conceptualization of time by the natives of the two camps. This was done through the analysis of the concept «time» both conceptually and linguistically.
The article highlights the translation of concept «time» related to material and spiritual culture of a particular nation. The article discusses the epic of Mukhtar Auezov called «Abay’s way», which is full of lexical units with cultural component values.

Библиографические ссылки

1 Ali Dabbah, Mahdi Noshadi. An interpretation of the Significance of «Time’: The case of English and Persian proverbs. – Iran: Academic Publication, 2015. – 9 p. – P. 1.
2 Mukhtar Auezov. «Abay’s way» epic. – Almaty: Zhazushi, 2002. – 376 p. – P. 8.
3 Suntsova E.N. Intercultural communication: perception of time // Science, education, innovations: priority directions devel-opment: Mat. of the int. scientific and technical conference, News of Kyzgyzsky state technical university of I. Razzakov. – Bishkek, September, 2009. – 5 p. – P. 2.


Как цитировать

Kussaiynova, A. (2018). Interpretation of a concept «time» (on examples of the epic «Way of Abay»). Вестник КазНУ. Серия филологическая, 162(4). извлечено от