The metamorphosis of biographical novel genre in the creativity of peter ackroyd


  • T. N. Mirzezade Azerbaijan University of Languages
        28 0

Ключевые слова:

biographical novel, Peter Ackroyd, psychogeographic portrait.


Ackroyd ‘s creativity who brought new metamorphosis to biographical novel genre of the twentieth century is interesting in several aspects. Author approachs biographical novel from the standpoint of tradition and innovator problems. In his novels Ackroyd not only preserved historicity and documentary but also achieved historical parody, ironic and fantastic rivets and thus, has changed the content and form of biographical novel genre.

Библиографические ссылки

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1 John Preston My work matters more to me than love // The Telegraph, 20 August, 2006,
2 Abdullayeva Y.A. Piter Akroydun «Londonlu Ləmblər ailəsi»(«The Lambs of London») romanındaintertekstuallıq //ADU-nun Elmi Xəbərləri, 2016. – №1. – S. 47.
3 Edward J.Ahearn. The Modern English Visionary: Peter Ackroyd’s «Hawksmoor» and Angela Carter’s «The Passions of New Eve» // Twentieth CenturyLiterature. – Winter, 2000.
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6 Linda Hutcheon A Poetics of Post-modernism: History, Theory, Fiction. – NewYork: Routledge, 1988, , 3-4.
7 Euan Ferguson. Peter Ackroyd: I just want to tell a story // The Guardian, 25 August 2011. 14.51 http://www.theguardian. com/books/2011/aug/25/peter-ackroyd-interview-foundation-england
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Как цитировать

Mirzezade, T. N. (2018). The metamorphosis of biographical novel genre in the creativity of peter ackroyd. Вестник КазНУ. Серия филологическая, 162(4). извлечено от


