Фольклорные мифы в древних тюркских памятниках


  • B.D Zhumakaeva B.S.Sarbasov Казахского государственного женского педагогического университет Казахстан, г. Алматы
        17 82


Turkic monuments of folk myths is one of the important issues in the field of literature. Because,
today, is still not complete with research. The former is based on the daily lite of our ancestors to keer
the literatury and artistic techniques. Surrounding natural phenomena: the sun, moon, earth, stars, etc,
phenomena considered holy mountain. Satellite lmages of people at one time early mythical notion
soon became a regular artist in a poetic oral. This research article is mainly Turkic monuments folk myths
zeriitewlerime analysis they determined that it was importans. Still valuable things were not expected in
the near future.


Как цитировать

B.S.Sarbasov, B. Z. (2018). Фольклорные мифы в древних тюркских памятниках. Вестник КазНУ. Серия филологическая, 166(2), 98–101. извлечено от https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/2317


