Religious vocabulary used in speech concerning the death


  • Zh. D. Yesimova әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті

Ключевые слова:

mortality case, spiritual wealth, real Moslem, demon way, human soul.


The problem of researching the religious vocabulary concerning death and considering spiritual wealth of people in ancient time is discussed in this article. It is well-known that language and religion play very vital role in developing the spiritual essence of human. Intellectual culture is known with the concepts like world view, religious knowledge, faith, character, ability of people. Highlighting the special role of religion in our society, we can say confidently researching religion vocabulary leads to new discoveries. So researching religion vocabulary is not researching religion, it is considering, discussing spiritual wealth of people in ancient time in depth through language. A lot of words and concepts peculiar the Islamic World from religion vocabulary are used in mortality case.

Библиографические ссылки

1 Saғyndyқұly B. Қazіrgі қazaқ tіlі. Leksikologiya. І-bөlіm – Almaty: Қazaқ universitetі, 2003. – 101 b.
2 Іslәmzhanұly K. Қazaқtyң otbasy fol'klory. – Almaty: Arys, 2007. – 332 b.


