Ethnolinguistic analysis some arxaizms of Azerbaijani dialects


  • I. М. I. M. Gurbanova Институт языкознания Национальной академии наук Азербайджана


dialect, analysis, Turkic languages, language


Ethnolinguistic analysis of Azerbaijani dialects was petrified at the language layer and emerge the historical root and affixes in words accepted by us as a single lexical unit. In studied article the historical word quda and kürәkәn losing the morphological characteristics. Over time, the ethnolinguistic analysis of these morphemes participated in word formation of the various Turkic languages clarify some points of the history. The analysis of dialects and dialects of the Azerbaijani language shows that some dialecticisms, in fact, affairs are archaisms in a local area of their distribution. Whether is the reason for that huge influences of the literary language on dialects by means of television, radio, the publication of editions or this influence of the next dialects and dialects by means of close interrelations. In article these and other linguistic and extralinguistic processes promoting an ustareniye of these or those terms are analyzed.


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How to Cite

I. M. Gurbanova I. М. (2015). Ethnolinguistic analysis some arxaizms of Azerbaijani dialects. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 143(3). Retrieved from