Aspects of collaborative learning on English lessons at school.
collaborative learning, constructive communication, working in small groups, cooperation, interaction, developing thinking skills, consensus,Abstract
In article the authors consider some aspects of collaborative learning on English lessons at school. The relevance and practical importance of the research are based on the influence of collaborative learning on the level of pupil cognitive activity. As a result of the work the following main assumptions are highlighted: the idea of collaborative learning is that learning occurs through social activity in which participants interact with each other. The fundamental principle of learning is based upon consensus building through cooperation and communication of group members; the environment of group work has to be designed by the teacher to facilitate the accomplishment of the end product or academic goal. Working in small groups has a number of advantages for students. The underlying premise of it is developing thinking skills.References
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How to Cite
Shaimerdenova, S. N., & Тuteyeva N. K. (2015). Aspects of collaborative learning on English lessons at school. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 152(6). Retrieved from
Methods of teaching language and literature