The «Independence» conception in the works of M. Shokai and emigrant poet-writers.


  • N. Sadykov Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        57 15


Kazakh literature in emigration, Turan, Majit Aitbaev, Mustafa Shokai, emigration, Turkestan legion, pseudonyms,


In the history of Kazakh literature ranging from the poetry of zhyrau, Mahambet’s verses and poems of pre-revolutionary period, the motif of freedom has preserved. Although during the Soviet era, this motif was interrupted, it continued in the works of the freedom-loving sons of Turan, who, despite their difficult position in exile, were dreaming of the independent state of Turkestan. Nowadays the main representatives of the emigrant Turkistan literature are not valued properly in the Kazakh history, and the research of their works has not been carried out systematically. Now we live in the independent state in place of the USSR that was dreamt by those people. At present we do not have any obstacle to reconstitute their glory.


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How to Cite

Sadykov, N. (2015). The «Independence» conception in the works of M. Shokai and emigrant poet-writers. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 152(6). Retrieved from