TV phenomenon should be considered in a context of socio-cultural dynamics taking into account the future perspective developments.


  • Эльшан Акиф оглы Алиев -
        15 17


TV, socio-cultural dynamic, perspective development,


In the period of globalisation endured nowadays and integration, the TV phenomenon should be considered in a context of socio-cultural dynamics taking into account the future perspective developments. Such approach dictates an urgency of the scientific article presented by us which consists in definition of positive and negative influences of TV to a society that will allow to acquire the advantage, introduced civilisation evolutions, and in time to prevent the negative phenomena. Underestimation of that social danger which bears today TV, can lead in the future to serious problems. This point of view, one of the conditions causing an urgency of given article, necessity of the global approach to the decision of the put problem at the present stage is. It is necessary to recognise, what TV? The powerful weapon influencing public opinion. In Azerbaijan, as well as all over the world, the TV plays the important role in cultural, ideological and moral education of people. Participation of TV in a social life is regarded as the positive phenomenon. It is unequivocal the positive role of TV in formation of outlook of people, their involving in world processes, and also influence on a political life of the country proves to be true. The TV is the cultural institute influencing education, formation of art and aesthetic taste, and also moral values of people of our country. As the political institute is considered modern Azerbaijan TV the democratic founder who defines a political position, forms the personal relation to any to public problems.


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How to Cite

Алиев, Э. А. о. (2015). TV phenomenon should be considered in a context of socio-cultural dynamics taking into account the future perspective developments. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 130(6). Retrieved from