The verbal communication in conditions of natural and artificial bilingualism.


  • A. K. Zhukenova Кокшетауского государственного университета им. Ш. Уалиханова
        29 18


bilingualism, natural and artificial bilingualism, polylingualism, communicators’ speech behavior,


The verbal communication in conditions of natural and artificial bilingualism In linguistic research at the turn of the century, particular attention was paid to the issue of bilingualism, and the common understanding of this term is a person’s ability to alternately use two language systems for communication. Bilingualism has a long history and is widespread in the world, but continues to be a phenomenal occurrence in a certain sense, insofar as it comprises not only individual communication, but is characteristic of various societies. The definitions of natural and artificial bilingualism are given in this article. The reasons of bi- and polylingualism origin, their social sources are observed. The interaction of the students in a bilingual situation is analyzed. Some different classifications of bilingualism are given into consideration. Consequently, bilingualism establishes a situation of active proficiency in both languages, characterized by switching codes in various communicative acts. Issuing from the given understanding of bilingualism is an understanding of the bilingual as an individual, proficient in both languages to such a degree that it allows them to use both languages in communication.


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How to Cite

Zhukenova, A. K. (2015). The verbal communication in conditions of natural and artificial bilingualism. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 148(2). Retrieved from