Artistic originality of dreams in the novel V. Pelevin "Chapaev and Emptiness".
postmodernism, dream, poetics of dream, field of dream, idolum, delirium, hallucination, field of unconscious,Abstract
In this article art function of dreams in the psychological image of the personality is considered. The author made attempt to open the main art originalities of dreams of heroes on the example of V. Pelevin's novel "Chapayev and Emptiness". Despite the interest which has increased in literary criticism to the concept and poetics of dreams, problems of the art world of dreams and the snovidchesky text remain one of the least studied. Dreams in postmodernist prose, in particular in the novel "Chapayev and Emptiness" keep the status of "separate reality", gain nature of the persuasive nonsense which is forcing out ordinary, household reality; strange revelations about a world order in which different forms of life coexist. Research objective is comprehensive study and detection of art features of poetics of dreams in V. Pelevin's novel "Chapayev and Emptiness" in a context of historical and cultural and literary process at the beginning of the XXI century. Validity and reliability of the received results is provided with serious methodological base of work, attraction of a wide range of scientific literature and use of the modern principles and receptions of the analysis of the art text. postmodernism; dream; poetics of dream; field of dream; idolum; delirium; hallucination; field of unconscious.References
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How to Cite
Abdigalieva, A. B. (2015). Artistic originality of dreams in the novel V. Pelevin "Chapaev and Emptiness". Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 139(5-6). Retrieved from
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