Д.Əбіровтің ғажайып ертегіге қойылған «Қарт Хоттабыч» балеті (Magic ballet D.Abirova «Old Hottabych» performance).


  • K. D. Аitkalieva
        35 22


libretto, ballet, divertissement, repertoire, panorama, choreographer (ballet master),


Article considers the analysis of the choreographer D.Abirov "Old Hottabych" ballet. D.Abirov ballet "Old Hottabych" (1968) based on an L.Lagin story of three scenes. The music was written by A.Zatsepin composer, and the libretto – by D.Abirov. The story tells about the friendship between peoples and the struggle for light life. "Old Hottabych" is presented as a fairy tale, posing a folksy wisdom. Wonderful panorama of the Moscow citya and the river views- all of it in the design of the V.Semizorov artist. The types of bazaar, the Wolken travel and Hottabych on a magic carpet left a lasting impression in the hearts of young viewers. This ballet has become a great and a wonderful gift of theatre for capital children. Whereas the main audience of "Old Hottabych" – are children and it would be a big disadvantage if the actors were not able to amuse them. The public believes that this ballet will be exist in the repertory Abai theatre for a long time and in the future even more improved.


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3 ЦГА.РК. ф.1841. о.1. д.241. Либретто балета «Старик Хоттабыч».
4 Балет. Энциклопедия. М., Советская энциклопедия, 1981. - 623 с.
5 Все о балете. Словарь-справочник. Составитель Е.Я.Суриц. Под редакции Ю.И.Слонимский. - М.: Музыка, 1966. - 455 с.
6 «Қазақстан хореографиясының тарихы». Оқулық. Авторлары: Т.Қышқашбаев, Ə.Шаңқыбаева, Г.Жұмасейітова, Л.Мамбетова, Ф.Мусина. – Алматы: Издат Маркет, 2005. – 272б.


How to Cite

Аitkalieva K. D. (2015). Д.Əбіровтің ғажайып ертегіге қойылған «Қарт Хоттабыч» балеті (Magic ballet D.Abirova «Old Hottabych» performance). Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 139(5-6). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1329