Creativity sources Rolland Seysenbaev.


  • T. E. Igenbay КазгосженПУ, г. Алматы


colourful figure, artistically-aesthetic features, originality of prose,


This article examines the great works of art and Rolland Seysenbaev. Тhe time is capaciously and full reflected in works Rolland Seysenbaev, expressed active and creative attitude of artist of word toward businesses human, to the acts of power of propertied, vital problems of not only contemporaneity but also future. In the works the artist of word with pain experiences imperfection of the world, lifts common to all mankind problems: ecological, abandoned parents and children, change of spiritual values of people. This theme on modern material is originally exposed Rolland Seysenbaev in a novel "Despair". Especially he is worried by the mutual relations of intelligentsia and society, from the problem of intelligentsia and people is here formed and flows out. Like Abay predicted further development of the people through attaching to the achievements of the West (through Russian) and East (adherence to the art, science, to the islam) at maintenance of the spirituality, so Rolland Seysenbaev sees progress of humanity in co-operation of civilizations. Nevertheless the best works of writer are translated into English, German, French and other European and Asian languages, more than forty books are published abroad, his work is studied in a number of educational establishments of Europe, America, Asia.


1 Сулейменов О. Нетерпение // Сейсенбаев Р. Возвращение Казыбека. Повести и рассказы. – А.-А., 1984.- 3 с.
2 Гачев Г. Джигит и гражданин // Сейсенбаев Р. Трон сатаны. Роман. Повести. – М., 1988.- 504 с.
3 Гранин Д. Гражданственность и честность // Сейсенбаев Р. Последний снег. Рассказы. – М., 1978.-141 с.
4 Сейсенбаев Р. Возвращение Казыбека. Повести и рассказы. – А.-А., 1984.- С. 3-42.
5 Сейсенбаев Р. Тоска по отцу. Рассказы. – Алматы, 1990.- 290 с.
6 Гаджиев А. Поэтика современной прозы. – Баку, 1997. – С. 99-102.


