The peculiarities of the phraseological units’ translation from english into russian language.
phraseology, phraseological unit, translation, phraseological equivalent, contextual substitution, expressiveness and originality of speech, aesthetical aspect of the language,Abstract
This article describes characteristic signs of the phraseological units, the peculiarities of their transfer from English into Russian, and also the problems of phraseology as a linguistic discipline. The actuality of the chosen subject of the research is dictated by the increased interest of modern domestic and foreign linguists to phraseology problems. The aim of work is research of phraseological units of the modern English borrowed from art references. This aspect of studying of phraseology has special value because the most part of phraseological units is borrowed from fiction as English, and other languages, and some phraseological units (PU) kept the initial foreign-language form and the important role is played also by transfer of such units. In the conclusion, we can say that phraseological units are an integral part of any language. And the phraseological fund of English is so great that its full research wouldn't go into a framework of this article. Nevertheless, on the examples of the considered phraseological units we may distinctly imagine how various on the semantics and expressiveness the PU of English language could be. Having analyzed only some problems of phraseology, it should be noted that scientists give huge importance to this language unit.References
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How to Cite
Kamalova, Z. P. (2015). The peculiarities of the phraseological units’ translation from english into russian language. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 139(5-6). Retrieved from
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