Actual problems of Kazakh literature in Alikhan Bukeykhan’s literary study.


  • G. T. Ospanova Казахский Национальный Университет имени аль - Фараби, г. Алматы
        33 53


singer, storyteller, eloquent, leader,


In article considered a treasure brought by A.Bukeykhan in development of the Kazakh literature. He gives the assessment on the Kazakh literature which was proved by exact examples. Examples were given from work of Russian and foreign writers since oral national literature and to XҮІІІ-XIX centuries. The opinion to Alikhan Bukeykhan at that time was captures from archival materials. Research is written on the basis of real sources.Today A.Bukeykhan's marks to these works: «Black kypwak Koblandy», «The woman according to Koblandy's Kyrgyz bylina», «Kalkaman-Mamyr», «Old Кoja», «Unfortunate Zhamal» in the history of kazak literature borrows are high level. They are considered valuable and considered with the point of view as a beginning of an initial scientific mark.


1 С.Аққұлұлы. Ə.Бөкейхан – əдебиетші ретінде. «Жұлдыз». 1993. №6.
2 А.Байтұрсынов.Əдебиет танытқыш. Шығармалар жинағы. А. - 1989
ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Филология сериясы. №5-6


How to Cite

Ospanova, G. T. (2015). Actual problems of Kazakh literature in Alikhan Bukeykhan’s literary study. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 139(5-6). Retrieved from