On the question of genre repertoire of zhyrau of the XV-XVIII centuries, its genesis and evolution


  • К. Жанабаев Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • У. Акбердикызы Казахский национальный университет имени аль-ФарабиOn the question of genre repertoire of zhyrau of the XV-XVIII centuries, its genesis and evolution
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zhyrau, genre repertoire, genesis, evolution, style, meritocra¬cy, type of zhyrau, epic, ode, social function, social status, military democracy.


The article deals with the complex problem of the Turkic epic studies – highlighting of the genre repertoire of heroic singers of the XV-XVIII centuries in the aspect of the genesis of individual genres and historical evolution. Being a spiritual leader of tribes, having a high social status, a heroic singer was the keeper of the sacred covenants; in the Soviet science, he was regarded as «a person glorifying the patriarchal and feudal reality». Since the mid-60s the research of various aspects of this vibrant artistic phenomenon has been tsarted by a new generation of scholars – E. Tursunov, M. Magawin, S. Negimov, A. Abylkasymov and other researchers with their modern approaches and advanced methodologies. For example, taking into consideration the process of creating songs of praise on the funeral feasts for a deceased hero by a heroic singer, marked by E. Tursunov, we got a fairly extensive complex of genre repertoire with its creative style, stylistics, poetics, special ceremonial functions, ritual, ethics and aesthetics, closely related, in our opinion, with the principles of meritocracy – «election», «sanctity», «power of knowing». This heroic song (ode) has become the most important structural component in shaping the future of the heroic sagas.


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55 Путилов В.Н. / В кн.: Фольклор. Поэтическая система.– М., 1977. – С. 16.
66 Путилов В.Н. / В кн.: Фольклор. Поэтическая система. – М., 1977. – С. 16.

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22 Tursunov E.D. Vozniknovenie baksy, akynov, seri i zhyrau. – Astana: Foliant, 1999. – 240 s.
33 Magauin M. Poeziya kazahskogo kochev’ya / V kn: Poety Kazahstana. – L.: Sovetskiy pisatel’, 1978. – 7 s.
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66 Putilov V.N. / V kn.: Fol’klor. Poeticheskaya sistema. – M., 1977. – S. 16.


How to Cite

Жанабаев, К., & Акбердикызы, У. (2016). On the question of genre repertoire of zhyrau of the XV-XVIII centuries, its genesis and evolution. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1458