Actual aspects of interdisciplinary research of Abai’s teachings


  • Ж. Дадебаев Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
  • П. Бисенбаев
  • Е. Карибозов
        15 17


Abay, Abay doctrine, sources, components, structure, model, interdisciplinary research.


In the study of the problems of life and creativity Abay made many literary critics, linguists, lawyers, art historians, historians, philosophers, and psychologists. Despite this, there are problems that have not been considered at all. This concerns the problems of interdisciplinary research exercises Abay. Interdisciplinary Research scientists Abaya – a multi-faceted hard work to address major and extraordinary scientific problems. The solution of these problems offers a new, innovative knowledge. The scientific novelty and relevance of topics related to the overdue high expectations of the public to address effectively structuring and modeling exercises Abay. It must be admitted that there is still a problem structuring, modeling exercises Abai was not the object of any research, has not received the necessary scientific solutions. Until now, this problem has not been addressed in the special scientific research. Our article is devoted to the specific issues of interdisciplinary research exercises Abay.


1.1. Абай (Ибраһим) Құнанбаев. Шығармаларының екі томдық толық жинағы. – Том І. – Алматы, 1977.
2.2. Әл-Фараби. Әлеуметтік-этикалық трактаттар. – Алматы, 1975.
3.3. Абай (Ибраһим) Құнанбаев. Шығармаларының екі томдық толық жинағы. – Том ІІ. – Алматы, 1977.

1.1. Abai ( Ibrahim) Kunanbayev. Shigarmalarinin eki tomdyk tolik jinagy. – Tom I. – Almaty, 1977.
2.2. Al-Farabi. Aleumettik-etikalik traktattar. – Almaty, 1975.
3.3. Abai (Ibrahim) Kunanbaev. Shigarmalarynin eki tomdyk tolyk jinagy. – Tom II. – Almaty,1977.


How to Cite

Дадебаев, Ж., Бисенбаев, П., & Карибозов, Е. (2016). Actual aspects of interdisciplinary research of Abai’s teachings. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 156(4). Retrieved from