Educational objectives in the activity biographies of Аkhmet Baitursinov


  • А. А. Оспанова әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        19 16


newspaper «Kazakh», freedom, educational objectives, poetry, Kazakh literature, Turkic idea, Muslim education


The article investigates the principles of Akhmet Baitursynov in the name of freedom, encompassing the themes of national interests in the collections of «Kyryk mysal» and «Masa». It attempts to investigate the themes of enlightenment and freedom through the newspaper «Kazakh». An attempt is made for the first time in the artistic context to understand purposefully and systematically the historical background, the Muslim enlightenment, the influence of Jadidism, positions of Russian Turks in the struggle for freedom in the manifestation of the Turkic ideas in the Kazakh literature of the early twentieth century. The paper analyzes in a collective form and in the range of literary heritage an important period in the history of Kazakh literature – the development of literature of the early twentieth century and Turkic idea of poetry. Artistic, historical and social potential in the spiritual space of common Turkic and universal goals in the name of freedom will be clarified.


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5 5.Әбдиманұлы Ө. Ахмет Байтұрсынұлы: Зерттеу- эссе. – Алматы:
Арда, 2007. – 296 б.

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2 2.Zekenova A.J. XX gasir basindagi kazakh adebieti tarihi – T. Kakishulu konteksinde. – Almati: Jibek joli, 2007. – 204 b.
3 3.Kakishev T. Kazakh adebieti sininin tarihi. – Almati: Sanat, 1994. – 448 b.
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5 5.Abdimanuli O. Ahmet Baitursinulu: Zertteu-esse. – Almati: Arda, 2007. – 296 b.


How to Cite

Оспанова, А. А. (2016). Educational objectives in the activity biographies of Аkhmet Baitursinov. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from

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