Interposition separate similar attributes


  • N. S. Sanyarova Алматинский энергетический университет
        14 12


interposition separate similar attributes, syntactic positions, expression means of definable words, distributors, bidirectional communication, adverbial shades, attribution series, optional and punctuation options.


This article deals with interposition separate similar attributes. Two
groups are distinguished according to their syntactic position in the sentence.
The author of the article tells about the functions of defined words,
pays attention to participle construction, expressed by adjectives, analyzes
expression means of defined words and their distributors, and reveals violations
in sequences of defined words and interposition separate similar attributes.
In addition, the features of interposition separate similar attributes
are highlighted – their bi-directional connection with a definable word and
predicate, which leads to adverbial shades. Ability of interposition separate
similar attributes to form combinations with other kinds of attributes
as well as non-similar series with nouns is shown. Particular attention is
paid to the punctuation of prepositive separate similar attributes, which are
widely used in punctuation options.


1.1. Саньярова Н.С. Осложнение обособленных определений сравнительными оборотами // Наука и мир. – 2014. – № 1 (5). – С. 219-220.
2.2. Саньярова Н.С. Обособленный определительный ряд и его специфика // Наука и мир. – 2014. – № 1 (5). – С. 223-224.

1.1. San’jarova N.S. Oslozhnenie obosoblennyh opredelenij sravnitel’nymi oborotami // Nauka i mir. – 2014. – № 1 (5). –
S. 219-220.
2.2. San’jarova N.S. Obosoblennyj opredelitel’nyj rjad i ego specifika // Nauka i mir. – 2014. – № 1 (5). – S. 223-224.


How to Cite

Sanyarova, N. S. (2016). Interposition separate similar attributes. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 155(3). Retrieved from