Suyunbay as a master of poetic contests


  • М. Б. Үмбетаев әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        26 11


uyunbay, Kantarbay, Zhantay, Maylokozha, Mukhtar Auezov, historical-functional, historical-genealogical methods.


This year is the 200-th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet, a keen master of improvisatory art Suyunbay Aronuly. For this purpose, we aim to analyze short-sized aytises of Suyunbay akyn. Until now, the main attention of scholars was focused on large-volume aityses of Suyunbay together with Tezek-tore and a Kyrgyz great akyn Katagan. As for short-sized aytises, they remained outside the view of scholars. The author attempts to fill this gap. Therefore, we have carefully analyzed short, wise, great aytises of the prominent zhirau with Kantarbay, Zhantay, Maylikozha. As a result, in accordance with Kazakh people and with the work «The golden figure of Zhetisu poets» by our distinguished writer Mukhtar Auezov, Suyunbay is a true, talented poet, akyn. Besides, it should be noted that the poet’s language is imaginative, artistic, magnificent, marvelous. In the process of writing the paper, historical-functional, historical-genealogical methods were used.


1 1.Сүйінбай А. Бөрілі менің байрағым. Жыр толғау, айтыстар,
естеліктер. – Алматы: Халықаралық Абай клубы, 2009. – 272 б.
2 2.Сүйінбай ақын. Өлеңдер жинағы, құрастырғандар: Ілияс Жансүгіров пен Фатима Ғабитова. – Қызылорда:
Қазкөркемәдеббас, 1935. – 74 б.

1 1.Su’yіnbay A. Bo’rіlі menіng bayraghi’m. Ji’r tolghaw, ayti’star, estelіkter. – Almati’: Hali’qarali’q Abay klwbi’, 2009. – 272 b.
2 2.Su’yіnbay aqi’n. O’lengder ji’’naghi’, qurasti’rghandar: Іli’’yas Jansu’gіrov pen Fati’’ma Ghabi’’tova. – Qi’zi’lorda: Qazko’rkema’debbas, 1935. – 74 b.


How to Cite

Үмбетаев, М. Б. (2016). Suyunbay as a master of poetic contests. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from