Some gender peculiarities of speech behavior in a communicative failure


  • А. Е. Исмагулова Кокшетауский государственный университет им. Ш. Уалиханова
        18 12


gender, communicative failure, communication, speech behavior, linguistic situation.


 The article deals with some language peculiarities of female and male speech in a communicative failure in a polylogue. The author describes gender language means, its reflection in the language and behavior of indi­viduals in the framework of a speech situation. Communication indicated by status and position in a society is determined by speech norms inherent in an individual and his\her position in a society, as well as determined by the type of communication. The author describes role stereotypes of female and male communicative styles, social characteristics expressed in speech in a certain communicative situation. The author concludes that gender characteristics of speech competence and behavior are determined by psychophysical and role stereotypes. As a social factor gender deter­mines speech behavior in a certain communicative situation.


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How to Cite

Исмагулова, А. Е. (2016). Some gender peculiarities of speech behavior in a communicative failure. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from