The ancient roots which underwent phonetic changes (on the basis of the Turkic written monuments of the XI-XVth centuries)


  • Б. Р. Құлжанова әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
  • Б. Сағындықұлы әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
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monuments, archaism, Oguz, Kipchak and Turkic languag¬es, elision.



The article deals with the transformation of archaisms in the Turkic written monuments, as well as their variations in terms of the modern Tur­kic languages. Several changes in the ancient roots of the Kazakh language are stated. Such changes include the removal of some vowels, consonants; transformation of rounded sounds into unrounded and the voiceless into voiced consonants.

The author notes that forms such as qakpug, qapyg, qapy, qabyq, qa­qpa, qap (қапуғ, қапағ, қапығ, қапы, қабық, қақпа, қап) are formed from one root «qap» («қап»). «қap.» Features of development of such forms as tu­gur> tugul> togul> ogul; tugush> togush> ogush (туғур >туғул>тоғул >оғул; туғуш>тоғуш>оғуш) in the Oguz language and forms of Kipchak language such as tugur> tugul> ugul> uul> ul; tugus> tugys> tuys (туғур>туғул>уғул>уул>ұл; туғус>туғыс>туыс) are explained as well. One omitted sound in these words is capable to transform the word unrecognizably. This phenomenon has turned the previously words into archaisms. The examples presented in the article were taken from the materials of the ancient Turkic manuscripts and related Turkic languages.


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2 Сағындықұлы Б. Қазақ тілі лексикасы дамуының
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3 Древнетюркский словарь. – Ленинград, 1969. – 676 б.
4 Ибатов А. «Хусрау уа Ширин» поэмасының сөздігі. – Алматы, 1974. – 278 б.
5 Сағындықұлы Б. Қазақ тілі лексикасы дамуының
этимологиялық негіздері. Монография. – Алматы, 1994. – 168 б.

1 Saghi’ndi’quli’ B. Qazaq tіlіnіng tari’’hi’. – Almati’: Qazaq wni’’versi’’tetі, 2011. – 145 b.
2 Saghi’ndi’quli’ B. Qazaq tіlі leksi’’kasi’ damwi’ni’ng e’ti’’mologi’’yali’q negіzderі. – Almati’: Qazaq wni’’vesri’’tetі,
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3 Drevnetyurkski’’y slovar#. – Leni’’ngrad, 1969. – 676 b.
4 I’’batov A. «Hwsraw wa Shi’’ri’’n» poe’masi’ni’ng so’zdіgі. – Almati’, 1974. – 278 b.
5 Saghi’ndi’quli’ B. Qazaq tіlі leksi’’kasi’ damwi’ni’ng e’ti’’mologi’’yali’q negіzderі. Monografi’’ya. – Almati’, 1994. – 168 b.


How to Cite

Құлжанова, Б. Р., & Сағындықұлы, Б. (2016). The ancient roots which underwent phonetic changes (on the basis of the Turkic written monuments of the XI-XVth centuries). Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from