«Blood and sweat» – destiny of the person, the new artistic decision


  • K. Madybai Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • Sh. Shortanbaev Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        357 1387


roman trilogy, the art world, character, image, genre, author's position, the destiny of man.


The article observes the life of main character Elaman, showing his development during his lifetime through artistic tool in Abdilzhamil Nurpeisov’s “Blood and Sweat” novel, advantage of Nurpeisov’s ability to shape a character, his profit in character development is identified by making a significant comparison. The history of the society at that time, people’s destiny, the faith of one is given in comparison among the whole society, the fact of description of the flow of interrelation of those two is given with short and good examples, the ability of artistic description is pointed out. The article includes the comparison of life of French society, the life of people in the society described in several works written by Balzac in XIX century, the sense of life of a person described in M. Gorky’s novels with A. Nurpyisov’s work and writer’s peculiar style. The characters of Elaman, Suyey kart, Monke shal, the family of iscussed as fully developed artistic characters. In “Blood and Sweat” the writer is Sweat” has made its contribution to the development of such genre as novel in Kazakh literature, artistically described truth of time in the novel, the faith of people is clearly identified. The achievements of writer in description of the writer’s ability to make up characters, to retell, to describe, and to come with the negative sides, as well the flows and trends in Kazakh novels and Abilmazhin Nurpeyisov’s ability to use artistic tools in such a difficult genre.


1 Серікқалиев З. Ақ жол. – Алматы, 1990. – 164 б.
2 Нұрпейісов Ә. Қан мен тер. – Алматы: Жазушы, 1977. – 824 б.
3 Елеукенов Ш. Замандас парасаты. Әдеби сын. – Алматы, 1977. – 300 б.




How to Cite

Madybai, K., & Shortanbaev, S. (2015). «Blood and sweat» – destiny of the person, the new artistic decision. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 141(1-2). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/151