Рoetics of Chingiz Aitmatov novel «A Farewell to Gulsary»
poetics, story, form, content, image, composition, humanity, responsibility, national literature.Abstract
The article discusses the history of mutual love and true friendship of man and horse, to make humane, noble and happy and all who love enters this friendship in the context of the novel «A Farewell to Gulsary.»
The author touches literary studies the problem that in the poetics of the title story laid the depth and versatility of the author’s intention and stresses the circular composition novel «A Farewell to Gulsary.»
The article concerns the fact that in the poetics of Chingiz Aitmatov unusually large place occupied by internal monologues man and centaur are many examples from the text.
The article describes the author’s idea that the characters and the story Tanabai horse Gulsary writer considered as a single indivisible entity-nature.
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