The typology of the Kazakh lyrical epic poems


  • Т. B. Seydimkhanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        343 30


liro-epic, folklore, historical and typological approach, mythical story, motive, epic. genre, sources, storytellers, bard, zhyrshy.


For many foreign countries, our literature and art are one of the main sources of information about the life of the Kazakh people, about our past and present. Kazakh folklore and oral phase of the Kazakh literature largely prepared becoming prose genre forms. In this regard, traced the evolution narrativiosti in folklore genres, their growth in peskazochnyh genres of Kazakh folklore, the dynamics of n lyric-epic genres tolgau and Dastan. This is an argument predromashshh origins Kazakh prose, in many ways paved the rapid formation of the Kazakh novel.
National traditions are similar to relay transmitted from age to age, the accumulated wealth of the peoples of artistic skill. They are sure to include the results of interaction, mutual enrichment of national literatures. A number of elements in the traditions dying out over time as a result of social change and development of the national character of the people.


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– №3. – 187-192 b.


How to Cite

Seydimkhanova Т. B. (2016). The typology of the Kazakh lyrical epic poems. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 155(3). Retrieved from