Some topical issues of teaching the kazakh language


  • S. B. Zhusanbayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        40 35


Kazakh language, training, technique, training process, principles, didactics, communication, other sciences.


The article discusses the following topics: the main directions of the Kazakh language learning; the subject and the personality of the teacher of the Kazakh language; learning process as the object of methods of teaching the Kazakh language; connection of methods of teaching Kazakh language with other science; the significance of methods of Kazakh language teaching. The perfect knowledge of Kazakh language is important in the system of pre-higher and higher education. The quality of teaching the Kazakh language is the basis of obtaining qualitative education in the secondary school. Methods of teaching the Kazakh language are the main condition of providing qualitative education of Kazakh language and other subjects.


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How to Cite

Zhusanbayeva, S. B. (2016). Some topical issues of teaching the kazakh language. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 155(3). Retrieved from