Formation linguocultural competence of future teachers-language and literature in terms of policy implementation polylinguism in Kazakhstan


  • G. А. Kazhigalieva Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
        70 28


linguocultural competence, multilingual education, training of teaching staff, scientific and methodological support


The article is devoted to the modern problem of formation of teacher education linguocultural competence of future teachers-language and literature. The concept of « linguocultural competence» is seen as the ability to adequate understanding and interaction with other linguocultural society on the basis of acquiring knowledge about the world, reflected in terms of language. It is noted that the most important component linguocultural competence is the awareness of language as a cultural phenomenon, the national specifics of a language picture of the world, national and cultural component values of linguistic units – linguocultural. The author proposes the introduction of a subject matter related to the analysis of literary texts linguocultural created bilingual. The article details the main methods of linguistic-cultural analysis: associative and conceptual analysis, comparative method, contextually-interpretive, historical, method of component analysis, identifying precedent names.


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How to Cite

Kazhigalieva G. А. (2016). Formation linguocultural competence of future teachers-language and literature in terms of policy implementation polylinguism in Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 155(3). Retrieved from