Verbalization of the concept «sky» in the Russian linguoculture


  • А. Нагиева Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
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world picture, concept, sphere of concepts, mental im¬age, myth, national language consciousness, phraseological unit


The paper considers the ethnocultural originality of the concept «sky» in the Russian linguoculture. It is specified that the sphere of concepts of the people reflects the objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality by their essential features, it envelops the received conceptual images with layers of subjective ideas of relevancy/insignificance of this or that feature, its manifestations and functions. Mythological interpretations, beliefs and a variety of connotations are formed around the features of the concept understood as especially important by the ethnos. This circle of mental images is included into the semanteme of lexemes, verbalizing a particular concept. It is defined that the research of the corresponding concepts is impossible without historically developed views as they still affect the daily lives through superstition, legends, religious beliefs, fairy tales, myths, etc. The results of the analysis show that the core of the concept «sky» is formed by the most frequent associations representing the heavenly bodies: sun, moon, stars.


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How to Cite

Нагиева, А. (2016). Verbalization of the concept «sky» in the Russian linguoculture. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from