Poetic understanding of historical ancient in lyrics


  • Abdulgasanli Tofik Азербайджанский государственный экономический университет
        18 11


lyrics, poetry, poet, political lyrics


In the article surrounds Azerbaijan contemporary poetry. The scholar has researched the cоntemporary and comes to the monumental scientific conclusions. He has realized the historical ancient from the modern time context. The scholar has suggested the interesting opinions for the examples of different poets. The author investigates "political lyrics" and shows that the political lyrics expanding the horizons in connection with removal of a ban on the "southern" subject, gradually becomes richer and various. Search intensive moral and ethical, psychological-genetic linkages between national and historical memory and modern reality opens new ways and the horizons before poetry. Since 60th years of the last century and especially from the second half of the 80th years, a protest against history and declaration of the right of the people on knowledge of own history, etc. become the main motives of political lyrics.


1 Вагабзаде Б .Осенние раздумье. – Баку: Язычы, 1981.
2 Вагабзаде Б. Поставьте памятник надежде. – Баку: Язычы, 1993.
3 Вагабзаде Б. Сказочная жизнь. – Баку: Язычы, 1991.
4 Вагабзаде Б.Новые стихи. – Баку: Язычы, 1993.
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9 Караев Я. История вблизи и издали. – Баку: Сабах, 1996.
10 Караев Я. Поэзия и проза. – Баку, 1979.
11 Кулиев К. Лирика, современность и время. – Баку, 1982.
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14 Юсифли В. Мир Мамед Араза. – Баку: Шур, 1994.
15 Исмаил М. Мечты, повисшие на надежде. – Баку: Язычы.
16 Набиев Б. Современники в художественной литературе. – Баку, 1983.
17 Рза Р. Восток, запад. – Баку, 1977.
18 Рза Р. Избранные сочинения. – Баку: Азернешр, 1967.
19 Рустамханлы С. Окрававленна память. – Баку, 1986.
20 Рустам С. Мой Тебриз. – Баку, 1986.
21 Салманов Ш. Проблемы традиции и новаторства Азербайджанской советской поэзии. – Баку: Елм, 1980.
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25 Годжа Ф. Звездные раздумья. – Баку, 1978.




How to Cite

Tofik, A. (2015). Poetic understanding of historical ancient in lyrics. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 143(3). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/159