On the independent work of students as a component of the system of university teaching Russian as a foreign language


  • G. Е. Zhandykeeva Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
        15 10


independent work of students, interactive learning, reflec¬tive task, communicative principle.


The article is dedicated to interactive forms and types of independent work of students.
This way of teaching embodies teaching interactively, it can effectively solve the goal of students independent work: acquisition of new knowledge and its use in practice,revision and verification of knowledge and skills.
There are some set of tasks in the paper, which focuse on the interactive group work with internal ranking performed by members of the action group, as well as individual work related to reflection and introspection of students. Examples of communicative games and communicative situations are given.
Independent work of students is based on educational and scientific texts, the basic unit of study within the framework of teaching Russian as a mandatory discipline at university.


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How to Cite

Zhandykeeva G. Е. (2016). On the independent work of students as a component of the system of university teaching Russian as a foreign language. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1593