Description of kazakh and english idioms, including geographical names


  • Z. A. Tleugabylova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • A. O. Bekalayeva Management University
  • F. T. Zhumazhanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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linguistics, phraseology, the origin of some idioms, the aspect of studing phraseology.


The aim of this work is a linguistic description of phraseology units in Kazakh and English, including geographical names. This aspect of the study of phraseology is of particular importance, because in many ways it can help to understand the culture, history and everyday life of the people. Most of the phraseology units were borrowed from the fiction in both languages. This article provides information about the origin of some Kazakh and English idioms or phraseology units, which contain geographical names of towns, villages, rivers, mountains, etc. Since cities and other settlements from the beginning of its existence have played an important political and economic role, they are the centers of cultural and social life of nations. The article gives examples of some phraseology units that are associated with many significant and sometimes funny events from the history. For learners of English as a foreign language this layer of the language presents a difficulty in mastering, but the knowledge and meaning of phraseology units helps to understand the English language perfectly.


1 Kozhahmetova H.K., Zhaisakova R.E., Kozhahmetova Sh.O. Kazahsko-Russkii frazeologicheskii slovar. – Alma-Аta: Mektep,
1988. – P. 219.
2 Inostrannye yazyki v shkole. – M.: Prosvechenie. – №1. – 1987. – P. 76-78.

1 Кожахметова Х.К., Жайсакова Р.Е., Кожахметова Ш.О. Казахско-русский фразеологический словарь. – Алма-Ата:
Мектеп, 1988. – 219 с.
2 Иностранные языки в школе. – М.: Просвещение. – №1. – 1987. – C. 76-78.


How to Cite

Tleugabylova, Z. A., Bekalayeva, A. O., & Zhumazhanova, F. T. (2016). Description of kazakh and english idioms, including geographical names. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 157(5). Retrieved from