Contextual studying of phraseological units


  • Ф. Э. Шахбазова Азербайджанский государственный экономический университет
        26 19


contextual studying, phraseological units, English, discipline.


The contextual investigation of the phraseological units in English has a great theoretical and practical importance. The real meaning and the correct translation of phraseological units from one language to another are possible only on the basis of contextual learning. The present stage in phraseology development as linguistic disciplines, it is characterized by an integrated approach to studying of phraseological units. One of rather new directions of phraseological researches is the phraseological kontekstologiya. The use of phraseological units as a part of phraseological configurations can lead to emergence of new phraseological units. Knowledge of regularities of speech realization of phraseological units very important also when teaching, practical studying of any language, and also at the translation from one language on another.


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How to Cite

Шахбазова, Ф. Э. (2016). Contextual studying of phraseological units. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 157(5). Retrieved from