Sufism in Mamed Aslan’s creativity in the context of pluralism of ideas and the freedom of speech


  • С. С. Байрамов университет Кавказ
        16 10


Sufism, Mammed Aslan, Turkic – Islamic world, pluralism, globalization.


The new approach of Azerbaijani literary spheres, especially from the samples of the works of Mammed Aslan, on new conditions of community after Post Soviet era is one of the important topics of this article. The Western humanist is also has the interest in the suggested solutions for the main problems of society in Turkic – Islamic world which make the distinguishing feature of the article. In other words, the article has global feature and importance. The main argue of the article is Sufism as interpretation of Islam in modern period for the development and integration of the Turkic – Islamic world and its contribution to World community. The author considers that, how many and difficult problems weren’t numerous, there are also ways of their permission. Аt the solution of these problems it would be useful to address to historical sources, in particular, to the sources, institutes which created conditions for education in the tyurkoMuslim world of the states, powerful from the military-political and moral and spiritual points of view in the Middle Ages and which didn’t lose the importance to this day.


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How to Cite

Байрамов, С. С. (2016). Sufism in Mamed Aslan’s creativity in the context of pluralism of ideas and the freedom of speech. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 157(5). Retrieved from