Field of functional and semantic categories of subjectivity.


  • B. Shalabay Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы


subject, personality, impersonality, definiteness, indefiniteness and generality,


This article discusses the nature, meaning and language structure of category of subjectivity. The content of subjectivity is revealed in contents of such categories as personality, definiteness and indefiniteness, generality and impersonality. Language means expressing them form common and main as well as peripheral position and positioned in accordance with the removal from the main field of subjectivity, including personality which is the central sphere of naming of the main character of the statement, the subject of the action, presented from the standpoint of the speaker and through its relation to the speaker. Manifestation of impersonality in speech as opposition of personality, as well as definiteness-indefiniteness and generality is determined by speci fic goals of the speaker, his intentions, and depends on the specific situation and context, and is also expressed as a manifestation of the subject of speech in different positions. Detachment of the subject in the speech is expressed by corresponding communicative and stylistic devises that appear depending on the purpose of the speaker, such as an excess and generality.


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How to Cite

Shalabay, B. (2015). Field of functional and semantic categories of subjectivity. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 148(2). Retrieved from