The role and place of teхtual competence in the professionally oriented teaching russian as a foreign language in high school


  • Г. А. Қажығалиева Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
  • Ш. А. Тәжібаева Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
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Textual competence, situational exercises, communication exercises, group work, scientific text.


The problem of the formation of text competence, its role in the formation of general cultural, educational, social, communicative and student orientation. In higher education, the establishment and development of text competence is an important factor contributing to the improvement of the professional competence of the students. The text competence in this paper refers to a wide range of knowledge and skills related to writing, perception, understanding, interpretation, spoken texts of different genre and stylistic accessories, as well as the willingness to use the body of knowledge and skills in practice. Based on the analysis of scientific and methodical literature and their own experience of teaching the author defines the value of using group work.


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How to Cite

Қажығалиева, Г. А., & Тәжібаева, Ш. А. (2016). The role and place of teхtual competence in the professionally oriented teaching russian as a foreign language in high school. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 157(5). Retrieved from