Dance and thinking


  • М. Е. Makan Казахский национальный академии искусств имени Т. Жургенова
        18 10


dance, thinking, choreographic thinking, plasticity dialect, dance philosophy, cognition, ballet, modern.


The article focuses on the evolution of thinking and it’s reflection in various types and forms of dances as well as an analysis of the XX-XXI c. concepts concerning philosophical aspect of dance phenomenology. The researcher follows chronological description of different cognition forms and their choreographic embodiment. One of the main points of the article is an explanation of such notions as «plot-based» and «non-plot-based», «modern dance» and their choreographic peculiarities. The research is a systematized range of modern dance theories: cognitive, biological, cosmologic, social and rhythmic. Furthermore, there is an explanation of factors of differentiation of universal natural movements and dance movements. It touches the role of music in developing aesthetic values and arrangement of plot. One of the main issues of the research is to demonstrate cyclical evolution of thinking and consequently choreographic forms of its representation according to historical stages of philosophical interpretation of the world. It contains description of the gradual development of aesthetic thinking and its specific form – art thinking, through image system.


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How to Cite

Makan М. Е. (2016). Dance and thinking. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 157(5). Retrieved from