Linguistic and Cultural Aspects of associations «brown» color depending on the age of the people


  • А. K. Манкеева әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        27 18


association, names of colors, Kazakh concepts, association of colors.


The article is considered the questions of context regularity  color perception of Kazakh and natural associations «brown» color. Many factors we’re influenced to color culture of Kazakh: nomadic way of life, local landscape,  space local perception  of  world,  ancient cults and belief; perception color of Kazakh significant also biological, psychological aspects. But before we raise the subject, I would like to note that the idea of considering in a range of colors, that provides media by information, as an independent science has not found acceptance by many experts. This argument is not only a national scale, but in general it is a proof of noncompliance of the world philological to science criteria .


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How to Cite

Манкеева А. K. (2016). Linguistic and Cultural Aspects of associations «brown» color depending on the age of the people. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 157(5). Retrieved from