Spiritual world of Kazakh people in the modern interpretation of cinema (the film «Tulipan»)


  • Zh. А. Tojbaeva Казахский национальный академии искусств имени Т. Жургенова
  • А. Sh. Tujakbaeva Казахский национальный академии искусств имени Т. Жургенова
        48 459


Kazakhs, spirituality, people, traditions, ceremonies, customs, film.


In this article we will see a new genre- «tragicomedy» in the Kazakh cinematography. We will know about the people which live far a thousand kilometers away from the civilized life in the desert, they related with nomadic pastoralism and engaged in the present, as our ancestors were engaged. The article is interesting because in it we will see how the Kazakh people has changed over the years of independence. The paper clearly describes the scenes in which there are deviations from the norm, which is held by our ancestors, from the national traditions and customs. Rich and diverse culture of the Kazakh people, and the fact that some important in the life of a nomad traditions and customs are forgotten, go back to the distant past is erased from the memory, and the younger generation about them at all does not know impose a negative imprint on the lives of the younger generation of the Kazakh nation terms of spiritual education.


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How to Cite

Tojbaeva Z. А., & Tujakbaeva А. S. (2016). Spiritual world of Kazakh people in the modern interpretation of cinema (the film «Tulipan»). Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 157(5). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1646