Kazakh press abroad


  • А. М. Картаева Аманжолов атындағы Шығыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті
  • А. М. Сагатбекова Аманжолов атындағы Шығыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті
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the kazakh press, journalism, means are mass information, mass media abroad, printed magazines, kazakh TV channels, Kazakh language publishers.


The problem of the place of Kazakh press abroad in the history of national journalism, professional activity, up-to-date situation, purposes for the future are considered in this article. Conditions of Kazakh mass media abroad which is a main way of education are discussed too. According to the last research there are approximately 3,5 million Kazakh people in 40 countries of the world nowadays. The first Kazakh newspaper was published in 1930 in China. Next development of press began in 1949 and the progressive development was in 1982. In 2001 about 10 magazines and 20 newspapers were published in Kazakh language. Among foreign mass media, the direction of the press of Turkey, Uzbekistan and Bayan-dgy region of Mongolia is analyzed. The authors of the article are sure that Kazakh mass media and journalism will steadily develop and prosper in future. So it continues to serve to Kazakh society. In conclusion they say the only Motherland of all Kazakhs in the world and the only support is Kazakhstan


1 1.Совесткая энциклопедия. 8-том. – М.: Издательство БСЭ, 1972. – 230 с.
2 2.Совесткая энциклопедия. 30-том. – М.: Издательство БСЭ, 1972. – 334 с.
3 3.Тишков В.А.Исторический феномен диаспоры // ЭО. – 2000. – №2.– 121 б.
4 4.Зеленин А. Язык Русской эмигрантской прессы (1919-1939). – 2007. – 740 с.
5 5.Кенжалин Ж. Ұлт рухын ұлықтаған ұрпақпыз // Түркістан газеті. – 2001. – №29. – Б. 7.
6 6.Қозыбаев С. Әлем баспасөзінің тарихы. – Алматы: Санат, 1998. – 253 б.
7 7.Махат Д.А. Баспасөз сталиншілдік Қазақстанда орнығуы (1925-1956 жж.)

1 1.Sovestkaja jenciklopedija. 8-tom. – M.: Izdatel’stvo BSJe, 1972. – 230 s.
2 2.Sovestkaja jenciklopedija. 30-tom. – M.: Izdatel’stvo BSJe, 1972. – 334 s.
3 3.Tishkov V.A.Istoricheskij fenomen diaspory // JeO. – 2000. – №2.– 121 b.
4 4.Zelenin A. Jazyk Russkoj jemigrantskoj pressy (1919-1939). – 2007. – 740 s.
5 5.Kenjali’’n J. Ult rwhi’n uli’qtaghan urpaqpi’z // Tu’rkіstan gazetі. – 2001. – №29. – B. 7.
6 6.Qozi’baev S. A’lem baspaso’zіnіng tari’’hi’. – Almati’: Sanat, 1998. – 253 b.
7 7.Mahat D.A. Baspaso’z stali’’nshіldіk Qazaqstanda orni’ghwi’ (1925-1956 jj.).


How to Cite

Картаева, А. М., & Сагатбекова, А. М. (2016). Kazakh press abroad. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 158(6). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1647