Creation of words as way of presenting of children`s world (on materials of work A.A. Usachev)


  • А. К Абдрасилова Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        21 17


children`s speech, children’s literature, word creation, occasional, rederivation, language game.


In article considered questions about researching of poetic texts, transmission feature notional and stylistic organization of children`s speeches. A.A. Usachev shows on his material works, specific children perception of the world and their representation of language. At the same time important role perform individual-author`s neoplasms (occasional), in the majority, creation by commonly used model words. A.A. Usachev used on his work neoplasms not just for imitation children`s speech, in this case they can plug children`s traditional speech. Occasional invite children`s attention and to force him to pay attention meaning of the word. Frequently, new words create to named non-existent reality, on poetical texts of A.A. Usachev`s they create humorous effect. Exploration individual word creation – problem of the modern linguistics. Author`s neoplasms present illustration path and form to develop language, their study helps to identify trends to the word-formation processes, a the same time authors neoplasms give an idea about the features of the artist idiostyle word.


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How to Cite

Абдрасилова, А. К. (2016). Creation of words as way of presenting of children`s world (on materials of work A.A. Usachev). Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 158(6). Retrieved from