Thematic word groups as instruments of learning process management


  • R. T. Kassymova Казахский национальный университет
        41 19


categorization, hypernymy, denotation, thematic group.


The article examines thematic links of words that are a reflection of the general principles of the classification of the phenomena of reality, formed in the human mind in the course of cognitive activity. It is noted that in the basis of a thematic grouping of words is not only the number and designation of the subject, but also understanding of subjects and concepts about objects in the subjective and/or cognitive activities that the student, i.e. meaningful reality with consciousness. In as much as all kinds of semantic links between lexeme in the dictionary are the most important principle of organization of the dictionary in the human mind, the student’s knowledge of thematic groups of words as a component of linguistic knowledge about the world allows him to interpret reality, the notion of reality, as expressed in conceptual categories (Aristotle), which may be more or less fractional.


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How to Cite

Kassymova, R. T. (2016). Thematic word groups as instruments of learning process management. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 158(6). Retrieved from