Art and ideological function of mythical knowledge of O. Bokey’s story «Saitan kopir» («Lucifer Bridge»)


  • Г. Н. Отарбаева Сулейман Демирель атындағы университет
        34 36


knowledge, archetype, existence and spirit.


The main idea in the story «Saitan kopir» («Lucifer Bridge») consists of cat-and-dog fight between Good and Evil. Actions of meanness and attempt, which the Evil makes to humanity, were successfully describedby intricate symbolical images, referred to as Shout and Echo. The purpose of this paper is to fully demonstrate the function of mythical knowledge of the national literary criticism and emphasize its importance as a stylistic device. In order to answer such questions as whether mythical motifs are characteristic to prose of O.Bokey if not, what the writer intended to show when he made the mythical models as a foundation for his work, we will draw conclusions on the basis of comparison and analysis.


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How to Cite

Отарбаева, Г. Н. (2016). Art and ideological function of mythical knowledge of O. Bokey’s story «Saitan kopir» («Lucifer Bridge»). Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 158(6). Retrieved from