The Kazakh Khanate and the unity of people in the poetry of zhyrau


  • К. S. Mambetov International Kazakh Turkish University named after K. A. Yassavi
  • Zh. Тanauova International Kazakh Turkish University named after K. A. Yassavi
  • М. К. Mambetova International Kazakh Turkish University named after K. A. Yassavi
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Kazakh khanate, zhyr, poetry, art of the word, Kazakh literature.


The article is dedicated to the problem of the unity of the Kazakh khanate and zhyrau poetry. Zhyrau poetry as a spoken and written art of word is a special phenomenon in the poetry of nomadic life and culture. Moral education plays an important role in the Kazakh nomadic life and culture. Kazakh literature has greatly contributed to the development of the national activity. All people from khans ruling the country to young children exercised the educational and aesthetic impact of the word of art. People has a good saying: «the art begins with the language», and to win the respect of people with the help of the art of the word is a natural phenomenon, so poetry is not an exception. Thereby, in the era of the Kazakh khanate the main themes of poetry of poets and zhyrau were homeland, patriotism, ethnopedagogic approach, moral, training, national outlook.


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How to Cite

Mambetov К. S., Тanauova Z., & Mambetova М. К. (2016). The Kazakh Khanate and the unity of people in the poetry of zhyrau. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 154(2). Retrieved from