Some aspects of teaching professional foreign language at physico-technical faculty


  • Л. Е. Страутман Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
  • Ш. Б. Гумарова Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
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translation from Russian into English, modal verbs, verbal nouns.


At present, more and more scientific articles of Kazakhstani authors are published in scientific journals in English. This poses new challenges for teachers of English. The necessity to teach students the basis of aca­demic language and translation comes to the foreground. The result de­pends on the level of knowledge of the English language, and in this pa­per we consider some common errors that occur when translating modal verbs, synonymous phrases and verbal nouns, which are widely used in scientific texts. The paper presents examples of the use of modal verbs in scientific texts, some problems of teaching translation of scientific texts in terms of improving the efficiency of the process, as well as some specific issues, such as descriptions of particular interpretation of research results, which are of interest not only for students, but also for inexperienced trans­lators of technical literature.


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2 2.Raymond L. Murray. Nuclear Energy. An Introduction to Concepts, Systems and Applications of Nuclear Systems. – 2008. – P. 552.
3 3.Astuko K. Yamazaki. The pragmatic Function of Modal Verbs in Scientific Papers // The Report of Tokyo University of Fisheries. – March 2001. – №36. – P. 17-29.
4 4.Ковальницкая О.В. и др. Русско- английские
эквиваленты выражения величины. – Ленинград: Наука, 1977. – 200 с.
5 5.Бреус Е.В. Основы теории и практики перевода с русского языка на английский. – М.: УРАО, 2000. – 207 с.

1 1.Hyland K. Writing without conviction? Hedging in scientific articles // Applied Linguistics. 1996. – №17 (4). – P. 433-454.
2 2.Raymond L. Murray. Nuclear Energy. An Introduction to Concepts, Systems and Applications of Nuclear Systems. – 2008. – P. 552.
3 3.Astuko K. Yamazaki. The pragmatic Function of Modal Verbs in Scientific Papers // The Report of Tokyo University of Fisheries. – March 2001. – №36. – P. 17-29.
4 4.Koval’nitskaya O.V. i dr. Russko-angliyskie ekvivalenty vyrazheniya velichiny. – Leningrad: Nauka, 1977. – 200 s.
5 5.Breus E.V. Osnovy teorii i praktiki perevoda s russkogo yazyka na angliyskiy. – M.: URAO, 2000. – 207 s.


How to Cite

Страутман, Л. Е., & Гумарова, Ш. Б. (2016). Some aspects of teaching professional foreign language at physico-technical faculty. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from