Lexico-phonetic aspects of Koryo mal in the 1950s based on the newspaper «Lenin kichi» and difficulties of translation


  • Ю. П. Тен Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
        53 31


Koryo mal (Koryo mar dial.), non-equivalent vocabulary, transliteration.


The present article is focused on the lexical-phonetic aspect of ‘Koryo mar (dial.)’. At the present moment, researchers rely on the ‘Lenin kichi’ newspaper as the main written artifact of the Korean diaspora language. Phonetic and phonotactic (compatibility of sounds within a syllable) specifics of Koryo mal make it difficult to understand for the speakers of the ‘Seoul standard’ Korean. The translation of the non-equivalent vocabulary poses certain difficulties. Firstly, it is neologisms, secondly, Koryo mal of the newspaper ‘Lenin kichi’ of the 1950s – these are words of the Russian language presented by means of the Korean language; thirdly, it is toponyms which have changed and yet not recorded in the official sources (dictionaries).


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How to Cite

Тен, Ю. П. (2016). Lexico-phonetic aspects of Koryo mal in the 1950s based on the newspaper «Lenin kichi» and difficulties of translation. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1735