Model of literary archetype


  • А. С. Афанасьева Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
        21 12


archetype, mythology, mythological motives, «collective unconscious», model.


In this article discusses the use of archetypes in literature. The problem archetypes’ artistic refraction in a literary work has attracted the attention of researchers of the XX century. Archetypal images or pre-forms, as defined by Carl Jung, are a manifestation of the «collective unconscious», accompany a person over the centuries and are reflected in mythology, religion, art. A lot of literary and artistic images and / or motives grow out of a certain archetypal core, conceptually enriching its original scheme. At the same period in literary scholarship is growing awareness that in the analysis of literary and artistic work becomes more important not so much reconstruction of mythopoetic layer as definition of ideological load of certain archetypal components. The researchers conclude that the term «archetype» refers to the most common, fundamental and universal mythological motives, which form the basis of any of artistic and mythological structures and believe that in the XX century grow a tendency to move away from purely mythological and psychological understanding of the archetype to the adoption of a model of literary archetype.


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How to Cite

Афанасьева, А. С. (2016). Model of literary archetype. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from