Natsionalnye images in O. Suleymenov’s creativity


  • А. О. Азизова Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
        265 44


national images, nomadic people, drevnetyurksky languages and writing, folklore.


In article national images in O.O.Suleymenov’s creativity are analyzed. O. Suleymenov’s many-sided creativity doesn’t need representations for the Kazakhstan readers. In Suleymenov’s verses constantly there lives thought of the homeland, the great interest to people life is felt. The poet with love describes traditions, customs, characters. All heroes of its works – proud people with high moral who are in love with life. In spite of the fact that O. Suleymenov is the Russian-speaking poet, his creativity – property of all Kazakh people. Most of all the poet appreciates those phenomena of human spirit which bear in itself humanistic spirit of good, help the person to be exempted from prejudices, false belief and deceptive hopes. But the main thing that grants to us the right to call this or that work by the phenomenon of national art is a completeness of reflection of national reality in all its historical concreteness and right prospect, penetration into an essence, complexity of national, national character.


1 1.Ахметов З.Л. Национально- характерные черты языка
поэзии О. Сулейменова [Текст]. – Алма- Ата: Атамура,
1970. – 494 с.
2 2.Канапьянов Б. Быть далеко услышанным. Олжасу
Сулейменову – 70 [Текст]. – Алматы: Альманах
«Литературная Алма- Ата» – юбилеи года. – 2006. – №3.
3 3.Собрание сочинений в 7 томах (8 книг). – Cемипалатинск: Атамура, 2004.
4 4.Сулейменова О. «Аз и Я». – Алма- Ата: Жазушы, 1975.

1 1.Ahmetov Z.L. Natsional’no-harakternye cherty yazyka poezii O. Suleymenova [Tekst]. – Alma-Ata: Atamura, 1970. –
494 s.
2 2.Kanap’yanov B. Byt’ daleko uslyshannym. Olzhasu Suleymenovu – 70 [Tekst]. – Almaty: Al’manah «Literaturnaya Alma- Ata» – yubilei goda. – 2006. – №3.
3 3.Sobranie sochineniy v 7 tomah (8 knig). – Semipalatinsk: Atamura, 2004.
4 4.Suleymenova O. «Az i Ya». – Alma-Ata: Zhazushy, 1975.


How to Cite

Азизова, А. О. (2016). Natsionalnye images in O. Suleymenov’s creativity. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from