Variants and norm: the implementation in the structure of reference works


  • U. Е. Mussabekova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби,
        16 11


orthology, onims, otonims, norms, variant, orthography


The article examines the orthology and associated with it problems of norms, variability of language units, as well as the issues of grammatical adaptation of new (foreign language) words and their inclusion in the language paradigmatics. It analyzes the grammatical adaptation of otonimic names of Kazakhstan in the Russian language and the implementation of orthographic recommendations in reference books on spelling.
This problem has not received complete and comprehensive, systematic and linguistic coverage, nomination models of otonims as indicators of systemic onomastics of Kazakhstan have not been formed. To achieve the objectives the collection and typology of onims and otonims of different types both in internal and external aspects are required. The author notes the need for introducing changes and additions in the existing rules of the orthography of otonimic names of Kazakhstan in the Russian language.


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How to Cite

Mussabekova U. Е. (2016). Variants and norm: the implementation in the structure of reference works. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 154(2). Retrieved from