Competence approach in teaching non-native language


  • Е. Е. Khairusheva Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
        18 13


competence approach, teaching, future specialistsl, non-native language competence, communicative competence, competencies, professionally-oriented text, communicative reading.


The article focuses on the competence approach in teaching non-native language in higher institutions. The competency approach turns the modern student from the passive element of the educational system into an active participant of the educational process. The main goal of the competency approach is the formation of a fully developed personality of the student, his theoretical thinking, linguistic abilities and intuition, development of skills of verbal communication and behavior, which allows him to be an equal partner of intercultural communication in a foreign language at home and in cultural, educational and professional spheres. The author emphasizes the importance of communicative competence for a future specialist. He characterizes different types of communicative competence (linguistic, sociolinguistic, discursive, strategic, social, socio-cultural, objective, professional), which are formed at the classes of the Russian language. It is the aim of Russian language learning. Professionally-oriented Russian language is declared as one of the most important and essential components of the training curriculum. The priority technology of working with texts in Russian is reading professionally-oriented texts.


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4.4. Академическая политика Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби – электронный вариант.

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4.4. Akademicheskaya politika Kazahskogo natsional’nogo universiteta imeni al’-Farabi – elektronnyj variant.


How to Cite

Khairusheva Е. Е. (2016). Competence approach in teaching non-native language. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 154(2). Retrieved from